Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday: Favorite Thing Day

Here's one of my many favorite things..Since summers around the corner and they'll be plenty of free time. I thought these play date cards might be great! Schedule a few play dates for the summer! I love play dates... I enjoy talking to other moms and love for my kids to play with there friends! I found these adorable play date cards.. You can personalize them anyway you want and be the talk of preschool...There's also a back side were you put your personal information and also a slot for your playdate time(neat). I don't know about you but I like to make a statement and this is a great way to do it! I have this website saved in my favorites for when my 2 little princesses get ready for preschool soon. I sure will be ordering mine!

I was playing around to see how cute these cards will be.... Too cute:)

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